I’m not sure what it is about writers’ routines that fascinates me, only that whenever I chance upon them I am eager to discover more.
The same goes for the concept of writers’ block. Does it exist? Or is it a by-product of a lack of routine?
I started turning these questions over in my head at some point last week when I was reading a book by crime writer Lawrence Block. The book was a reissue and contained a three-page introduction by the author himself.
Now, Mr Block does not exactly deal in high literature but his books are nevertheless fast, funny and well put-together. Therefore, I was amazed to read that at the time of writing the novel had found its way into my possession, Mr Block had been in the habit of producing a book every month.
A book every month?
That’s twelve books a year!
The mind boggles.
But then again, I asked myself, would it be so hard?
2,000 words a day for 30 days… would be OK – just about. But then to have to do it again twelve times?
Impossible. Incredible.
But then what choice did he have? With a name like Block, people might have started to make assumptions.
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